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Explode EditPoly

fn explodeEPoly obj =
    -- Storing frequently used functions in user variables for faster access
    local getNumFaces = polyOp.getNumFaces
    local getElementsUsingFace = polyOp.getElementsUsingFace
    local detachFaces = polyOp.detachFaces
    if getNumFaces obj > 0 then
        local element = getElementsUsingFace obj 1
        while element.numberset < (getNumFaces obj) do
            detachFaces obj element asNode:true
            element = getElementsUsingFace obj 1

explodeEPoly $

User Interface

Open File Dialog Multiselect

fn openFileDialog title:"Open File" filter:"All Files|*.*" multiselect:false =
    local dialog = dotnetobject "System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog"
    dialog.title = title
    dialog.filter = filter
    dialog.multiselect = multiselect
    local result = undefined
    if (dialog.showDialog() == (dotnetclass "System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult").Ok) then
        if multiselect then
            result = dialog.filenames
            result = dialog.filename


    return result

openFileDialog multiselect:true

Advanced Message Box

fn MessageBoxEx message caption:"Message" buttons:#OK icon:#Information =
    local MsgBox = dotnetclass "System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox"
    local MessageBoxButtons = dotnetclass "System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons"
    local MessageBoxIcon = dotnetclass "System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon"
    local DialogResult = dotnetclass "System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult"
    local _buttons = case buttons of
        #AbortRetryIgnore: MessageBoxButtons.AbortRetryIgnore
        #OK: MessageBoxButtons.OK
        #OKCancel: MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel
        #RetryCancel: MessageBoxButtons.RetryCancel
        #YesNo: MessageBoxButtons.YesNo
        #YesNoCancel: MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel
    local _icon = case icon of
        #Asterisk: MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk
        #Error: MessageBoxIcon.Error
        #Exclamation: MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation
        #Hand: MessageBoxIcon.Hand
        #Information: MessageBoxIcon.Information
        #None: MessageBoxIcon.None
        #Question: MessageBoxIcon.Question
        #Stop: MessageBoxIcon.Stop
        #Warning: MessageBoxIcon.Warning
    local result = case MsgBox.Show message caption _buttons _icon of
        (DialogResult.Abort): #Abort
        (DialogResult.Cancel): #Cancel
        (DialogResult.Ignore): #Ignore
        (DialogResult.No): #No
        (DialogResult.None): #None
        (DialogResult.OK): #OK
        (DialogResult.Retry): #Retry
        (DialogResult.Yes): #Yes
    return result

MessageBoxEx "Some text"

Custom Picker Dialog

fn numberPicker =
    rollout picker "Number Picker" width:160
        local result

        spinner spnValue "Value:" width:126 align:#center
        button btnOk "Ok" width:60 align:#center across:2
        button btnCancel "Cancel" width:60 align:#center
        on btnOk pressed do
            result = spnValue.value
            destroyDialog picker
        on btnCancel pressed do
            destroyDialog picker;
    createDialog picker modal:true
    return picker.result

print (numberPicker())

SubAnim Picker

    local ContextMenuStrip = dotnetclass "System.Windows.Forms.ContextMenuStrip"
    local ToolStripMenuItem = dotnetclass "System.Windows.Forms.ToolStripMenuItem"
    local _contextMenuStrip
    local _pickSubAnimCallback
    fn ToolStripMenuItem_Click s e =
        _pickSubAnimCallback s.Tag.Value
        if s.HasDropDownItems then
    fn subAnimsToMenuItem subanim =
        local item = dotnetobject ToolStripMenuItem
        item.Tag = dotnetmxsvalue subanim
        if subanim.numSubs > 0 then
            item.DoubleClickEnabled = true
            dotnet.addEventHandler item "DoubleClick" ToolStripMenuItem_Click
            for i = 1 to subanim.numSubs do
                local subitem = subAnimsToMenuItem subanim[i]
                item.DropDownItems.Add subitem
        else dotnet.addEventHandler item "Click" ToolStripMenuItem_Click;
        return item
    fn applyFilter menuitem filter =
        if menuitem.HasDropDownItems then
            local hasAvailableItems = false
            for i = 0 to menuitem.DropDownItems.Count - 1 do
                applyFilter menuitem.DropDownItems.Item[i] filter
                if not hasAvailableItems then
                    hasAvailableItems = menuitem.DropDownItems.Item[i].Available
            menuitem.Available = hasAvailableItems
            menuitem.DoubleClickEnabled = filter menuitem.Tag.Value
        else menuitem.Available = filter menuitem.Tag.Value
    fn pickSubAnim maxwrapperobj callback filter:unsupplied =
        local isMaxWrapper = iskindof maxwrapperobj maxwrapper
        local isMaxScriptFunction = classof callback == maxscriptfunction
        if isMaxWrapper and isMaxScriptFunction then
            _contextMenuStrip = dotnetobject ContextMenuStrip
            _pickSubAnimCallback = callback
            for i = 1 to maxwrapperobj.numsubs do
                _contextMenuStrip.Items.Add (subAnimsToMenuItem maxwrapperobj[i])
            if filter != unsupplied then
                for i = 0 to _contextMenuStrip.Items.Count - 1 do
                    applyFilter _contextMenuStrip.Items.Item[i] filter
            _contextMenuStrip.Show mouse.screenpos.x mouse.screenpos.y
    /* How to use */
    fn pickCallback subanim =
        print subanim;
    fn subAnimFilter subanim =
        return subanim.value != undefined;
    pickSubAnim $ pickCallback filter:subAnimFilter



fn shuffle arr =
    local num = arr.count
    local j

    for i = 1 to num do
        j = random 1 num
        swap arr[i] arr[j]

    return arr


Regex Substitution

fn gsub string pattern evaluator =
    global __RegexMatch
    if __RegexMatch == undefined then 
        __RegexMatch = (dotnetclass "System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex").Match;

    local match = __RegexMatch string pattern
    local result
    local pos = 1
    if match.Success then
        local stream = stringstream ""

        while match.Success do
            append stream (substring string pos (match.Index + 1 - pos))
            append stream (evaluator match)
            pos = match.Index + match.Length + 1
            match = match.NextMatch()

        if pos < string.count then
            append stream (substring string pos -1);
        result = stream as ::string
        free stream
    else result = copy string
    return result

-- Finding and replacing integer decimal numbers with hexadecimal
fn eval match =
    return "0x" + bit.intAsHex (match.Value as integer);

gsub "5 a 200 b 500 c" @"\d+" eval
-- 0x5 a 0xc8 b 0x1f4 c

Formatted Print

fn printf str args =
    global __printfMatches
    if __printfMatches == undefined then
        local pattern = @"%([-+#0 ]*\d*(?:\.\d+)?(?:l|l32|l64)?[dioucxXeEfgGs])"
        __printfMatches = (dotnetobject "System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex" pattern).Matches;
    local matches = __printfMatches str
    local output = stringstream "" 
    local pos = 1

    for i = 1 to matches.count do
        local m = matches.Item[i - 1]
        local g = m.Groups.Item[1]
        local type = m.Groups.item["type"].Value
        append output (substring str pos (m.Index + 1 - pos))
        append output (formattedprint args[i] format:g.Value)

        pos = m.Index + 1 + m.Length

    append output (substring str pos (str.count - pos))
    return output as string

printf "%.5f %s %x %c" #(1.234, "maxscript", 1000, 97)
-- "1.23400 maxscript 3e8 a"


Line Drawing

fn drawLine bmp x0 y0 x1 y1 color:white =
    local dx = x1 - x0
    local dy = y1 - y0
    local col = #(color)
    if abs dx > abs dy then
        local step = dy / float dx
        for x = x0 to x1 by (if dx > 0 then 1 else -1) do
            setPixels bmp [x, y0 + step * (x - x0) + 0.5] col;
        local step = dx / float dy
        for y = y0 to y1 by (if dy > 0 then 1 else -1) do
            setPixels bmp [x0 + step * (y - y0) + 0.5, y] col;

    local bmp = bitmap 500 500 color:black
    for i = 1 to 120 do
        local x1 = random 0 500
        local y1 = random 0 500
        local x2 = random 0 500
        local y2 = random 0 500
        local col = random black white
        drawLine bmp x1 y1 x2 y2 color:col
    display bmp


Color To Integer

fn colorToInt color =
    return (bit.shift (integer color.r) 16) + (bit.shift (integer color.g) 8) + integer color.b;

fn intToColor integer =
    return color \
        (bit.and (bit.shift integer -16) 255) \
        (bit.and (bit.shift integer -8) 255) \
        (bit.and integer 255);


Material Display (Display Filter Fix)

fn restoreMaterialDisplay =
    -- 0x00000241 - REFMSG_NODE_DISPLAY_PROP_CHANGED - maxsdk\include\ref.h
    for i in objects where not i.ishiddenInVpt do
        notifyDependents i partID:#display msg:0x00000241;

callbacks.addScript #customDisplayFilterChanged "restoreMaterialDisplay()" id:#restoreMaterialDisplay