This tool allows you to break the surface of an object into fragments of the selected type.

Pick Object

Specify the object.


Type of fragmentation pattern.

A few words about the type "Border". This type uses the open edges of the object, and creates loops of polygons from these edges. If the object has no open edges, the first polygon will be detached, and then the open edges will be used as a result of this detaching. You can also manually select the polygons that will be detached.

Length (Size)

Length or size of a fragment.


Random length or size of a fragment.

as Objects

Detaching each fragment into an object.

Reset Pivot

Set the pivot in the center of the object.

Clear smooth. groups

Clear the smoothing groups.

Preview Mode

Enable fragmentation preview. After fragmentation, the object will be returned to its original state.


Start the process of fragmentation.